About Mr. H

Mr. H (as most students refer to him) has been teaching at Tuscarora Jr. High School since 2005. The curriculum has changed a lot but 2 things have remained constant our Textbook (which is from 2001, but good) and LaFawnduh our snapping turtle.

Mr. H grew up in New England (specifically Vermont) where it was colder, the snow was deeper, there were no poisonous snakes and most people were very sarcastic.

He attended Hanover High School (in New Hampshire), went on to earn a BS in Biology from Messiah University, and later received his Masters in Curriculum & Instruction from The University of Vermont. He has finished taking courses online from Eduspire. Which helped him earn his Google Level 1 Certification and his Apple Teacher (with Swift Playgrounds) Certification.

Outside of school Mr. H is the proud father of two daughters (ages 10 & 8), he likes to play cards, garden, run, read and take naps. He is married to Mrs. H who teaches English at Juniata High School. Mr. H has also directed the Juniata HS musical for the past 13 years (most recently Into the Woods March 2020).

Mr. H has an eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, which refers to a pigmented or darkened retina. As in degenerative eye disorder Mr. H's vision is very slowly becoming worse. This affects two main aspects of vision, peripheral (side) vision and night vision. This makes it harder for Mr. H to see things on the floor or raised hands. RP currently has no treatment, and as a genetic disorder it would require gene therapy which is in the works (he's hoping CRISPR CAS9 pans out).

Mr. H is a very sarcastic person (often says what he doesn't mean to be funny). This is not intended to be mean, so if he says something that doesn't make sense, please ask for clarification. Like all teachers, Mr. H has good days and bad days, to judge his emotional state please refer to the chart below.

Lastly according to Pottermore this is where Mr. H belongs. Take what you will from it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is Jeremy, I must say Chris, this is the most entertaining page that I have read in a long time. Excellent work!